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FuturistU > Marketing > Max Impact Marketing > Module 1 / 4

Intro to Max Impact Marketing

Instructor: Gil Haddi
Max Impact Marketing
Download the Max Impact Marketing Trend Report
Consumer expectations around brand engagement are shifting alongside advancements in technology, and brands who want to stay relevant must adapt their consumer marketing tactics or become obsolete. Trend Hunter’s SVP of Client Success, Gil Haddi, explores why traditional marketing strategies are no longer as cut-and-dry as they used to be and what you can do to cut through the clutter to truly resonate with today’s consumers.

Thanks to the evolution of technology and social media, consumers have become walking ad blockers, costing companies an estimated $35B in marketing dollars. This course will divulge three core consumer marketing tactics including Hyperconnectivity, Consumer Centricity and Lifestyle Engagement, that will help you align your brand with what matters most to your target audience.
Related Trend Report: Max Impact Marketing
Get the 2024 Trend Report FREE

Insights by Trend Hunter AI

Trend Campaign
Brands are encouraging consumers to post in campaigns to start widespread trends
Trend - Brands are taking to social media platforms to launch interactive campaigns that encourage users to post unique content to enter. These post-based campaigns are intended to start wider spread trends where consumers boost the reach of the campaign far beyond its original audience.
Workshop Question - How can we leverage interactive and participatory elements in our marketing campaigns to inspire user-generated content that catalyzes new trends on social media?
AI Photography
AI tools that generate professional product photography are gaining popularity
Trend - AI companies are creating photography-mimicking tools that generate professional product photos for eCommerce and marketing materials. These photos are positioned as more affordable options to professional photography, without compromising on quality or quantity.
Workshop Question - How can we leverage AI technologies to create cost-effective yet high-quality visual content for our marketing needs?
Automated eCommerce
Brands are leveraging AI tools to simplify online storefront creation
Trend - Brands with online storefronts are turning to AI-powered tools to streamline the creation and maintenance of these websites. AI tools are being used to write copy, generate photos, recommend products to customers, and generate promotional content. These tools aim to reduce operational costs.
Workshop Question - How can we leverage AI tools to enhance our customer experience and reduce operational costs in our online platform?
Seamless Engagement
Pop-ups that require minimal time to engage consumers are gaining traction
Trend - Brands are creating passive pop-ups, such as billboards or signposts, that beget consumers to engage with only a brief action. These are more engaging than regular billboards while not requiring much time from consumers. Additionally, brands do not need to staff these pop-ups, thus reducing costs.
Workshop Question - How could your brand benefit from passive engagement opportunities to enhance its marketing strategies?
play_circle_filledHug-Activated Marketing Machines
Hug-Activated Marketing Machines
UNIQLO France and The Pull Launch the Hug to Unlock Ad
UNIQLO France unveils the Hug to Unlock campaign with the help of Paris-based marketing agency The Pill. The campaign encourages passersby to embrace in a hug to initiate a surprise by the brand. It... MORE
play_circle_filledIllusory Fry Billboards
Illusory Fry Billboards
KFC is Promoting Its Fing Fing Cajun Chips with a Clever Billboard
In China, KFC is promoting its new Fing Fing Cajun Chips with an optical illusion billboard that has people literally shaking their heads. With “fing fing” meaning “shake” in... MORE
play_circle_filledFood Truck Billboards
Food Truck Billboards
McDonald's Transformed Billboards into Digital Food Truck Displays
McDonald’s Sweden recently launched a new fried chicken burger inspired by street food culture. As part of the launch campaign, the fast-food giant transformed digital-out-of-home (DOOH)... MORE
play_circle_filledRecord-Breaking AR Mirrors
Record-Breaking AR Mirrors
Maybelline New York & FFFACE.ME Debuted a Large Interactive Experience
Maybelline New York worked with XR company FFFACE.ME to unveil a record-breaking augmented reality mirror with a screen size of 43,000 square feet on the side of the Gulliver Mall in Kyiv. This AR... MORE
play_circle_filledDeserted Island Billboards
Deserted Island Billboards
Silk & Spice Set Up a Billboard for Fans to Go and Find
While most billboards are strategically positioned in high-traffic areas to maximize visibility, Silk & Spice is taking a different route, opting to set up a desert island billboard and initiate... MORE
Transparent Retail
Sustainable retailers highlight their initiatives and impact in-store
Trend - Sustainable stores and eco-friendly in-store initiatives are making the impact of their products clearer to their customers. These brands are using receipts, labels and displays to highlight production and sourcing processes--catering to the growing demand for transparency from businesses.
Workshop Question - How can your brand create trust with its customers via in-store experiences or initiatives?
Informed Restaurant
Restaurants are using AI forecasting tools to determine future menu items
Trend - Restaurants are using artificial intelligence (AI) analytics and forecasting tools to determine demand for each menu item. These tools use restaurant-specific and market-wide data to determine future-facing consumer interests, helping determine menu item creation and sales numbers.
Workshop Question - How could your company leverage its data with AI to improve its existing and upcoming services?
Driven Loyalty
Brands are using social activism to drive consumer loyalty programs
Trend - Brands are integrating activism and charitable actions directly into business models and consumer loyalty programs. This helps consumers directly influence the amount of charitability from a business, making activist consumers more likely to frequently engage in these brands over others.
Workshop Question - How can your brand integrate activism and charitable actions into your consumer loyalty program to drive customer loyalty and differentiate from competitors?
Automated Reachout
AI-powered companies offer tools that automate email and mobile outreach
Trend - Brands are launching platforms that automate media and customer outreach campaigns with AI. These platforms streamline lead detection, determine the optimal method to reach out, and send the message at an effective time. These enable AI marketing for brands without technical backgrounds.
Workshop Question - How could your brand leverage AI-powered marketing to free workers' time for more complex tasks?
Circadian Fridge
Brands are launching smart fridges that mimic the cycle of sunlight
Trend - Brands in the home appliance space are launching smart fridges with UV light-controlled crispers that mimic the sun cycle. These fridges extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables and ensure the foods retain as many vitamins as possible. This technology saves consumers money and time.
Workshop Question - What innovative methods can your brand explore to offer smart products that promote health and wellness among dedicated consumers?
AI Advertisement
Startups are launching platforms that generate custom advertisements with AI
Trend - Startups are combining multiple artificial intelligence (AI)-based services into comprehensive platforms that generate custom advertisements. These use image, video, and text-generation to create entire marketing campaigns, streamlining the process for clients, and saving on time and budget.
Workshop Question - How could your brand leverage AI platforms to reduce annual costs while maintaining quality?